Salam BOX

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

"The Tarung Derajat purely physical process", he said. Admittedly, there is no mystical element that is used to add strength. Physical exercise on a regular basis with a technique that has been mixed and adjusted to his creation of the Master of martial techniques BIG fight DEGREES
, "The Tarung Derajat purely physical process", he said. Admittedly, there is no mystical element that is used to add strength. Physical exercise on a regular basis with a technique that has been mixed and adjusted to his creation of the Master of martial techniques BIG fight DEGREES
G.H.Drs.ACHMAD Dradjat.

, Physical Exercise for practicing martial arts also means breath, and it occurs naturally, there is no special breathing exercises. It is recommended to its members to always make themselves physically and engineering practice every day for 1 to 2 hours. Because according to the physical form into a strong, solid muscle and flesh to require rigorous training, discipline and performed constantly, so hopefully in the not too long, strength and confidence

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