duh Tahun baru sebentar lagi..
terasa cepet banget waktu dalam setahun ini. weew #:-s .. waktu yang dipakai untuk kuliah >> kuliah >> dan kuliah..:s . bahkan dengan kata lain Kuliah = tugas + ujian.. tapi gapapa deh yang penting kan Im study Im very happy :) ('ngedit dr kata kata Im single im very hepy) ..:D
next..-> langsung ke topik..
gw punya harapan nih ditahun 2013 mendatang ..
pertama semoga gw konsisten, tabah dengan apa yang gw ingin raih dan bisa melewati masa masa yang sulit sekalipun. karna gw yakin dengan bertambahnya usia akan menambah pula halangan dan cobaan yang kan kita tempuh.
semoga..tahun depan akan menjadi tahun yang lebih baik lagi dengan adanya kebersamaan dan kebahagiaan yang dibungkus oleh senyuman mewarnai ditahun mendatang.
dan semoga..
gw berharap menjadi pribadi yang lebih sabar lagi dalam menghadapi orang orang dalam keseharian dalam rutinitas gw.
dan yang terakhir semoga studi gw berjalan dengan lancar.. Amiiiiin ya robbal alamin :)
Salam BOX
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Semoga bermanfaat.
Sumber : http://tusad.blogspot.com
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Ketiga : Jalankan Oracle VM VirtualBox.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Sumber : http://tusad.blogspot.com
UNIVERSITAS BUDILUHUR UNGGULAN DIJAKARTA,Cerdas dan berbudi luhur merupakan dua hal yang terpadu yang tidak terpisahkan, karena kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi yang luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan dari orang lain.Untuk mendidik tenaga trampil yang cerdas dan berbudi Luhur itu, maka pada tanggal 1 April 1979 didirikan Akademi Ilmu Komputer (AIK) Budi Luhur di Jakarta, beralamat di Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 Jakarta Pusat. Akademi ini bertujuan menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga trampil atau professional di bidang komputer guna memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan nasional.
Setelah dua tahun diperjuangkan, pada tanggal 11 Agustus 1981 AIK Budi Luhur mendapatkan izin operasional dari pemerintah. Dalam surat izin operasional itu, pemerintah mengubah nama AIK Budi Luhur menjadi Akademi Pengetahuan Komputer (APK) Budi Luhur. Nama ini digunakan, ketika pada tanggal 5 Januari 1983 berdasarkan keputusan Mendikbud No. 018/O/1983 APK Budi Luhur mendapat status terdaftar. Dengan status terdaftar yang dimiliki, APK Budi Luhur berhasil menyelenggarakan ujian sarjana muda komputer dengan dosen penguji dari ITB. Dalam ujian negara itu APK Budi Luhur meluluskan sarjana-sarjana muda komputer pertama di Indonesia.
Berkenaan dengan siapnya pembangunan kampus tahap pertama (dengan dua unit gedung berlantai dua), maka pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1985 APK Budi Luhur pindah dari Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 ke jalan Cileduk Raya, Pertukangan Utara, Kebayoran Lama.
Dengan makin mantapnya penyelenggaraan pendidikan di APK Budi Luhur, dan makin besarnya minat dan kebutuhan keahlian di bidang komputer, maka Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur pada bulan Agustus 1985 mendirikan Akademi Teknik Elektro Komputer (ATEK) Budi Luhur dan Akademi Akuntansi Komputer (AAK) Budi Luhur. Tujuan berdirinya ATEK Budi Luhur adalah menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan teknik elektro komputer, sedangkan AAK Budi Luhur bertujuan menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan akuntansi dan komputer.
Dengan kemajuan-kemajuan yang dicapai oleh APK Budi Luhur, Pemerintah memberikan kenaikan status (akreditasi) dari terdaftar menjadi diakui berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud No. 0355/I/1986 tanggal 13 Mei 1986. Pemberian status diakui itu mengakibatkan bergantinya nama APK Budi Luhur menjadi Akademik Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) Budi Luhur.
Sejalan dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dan perhatian masyarakat terhadap ilmu komputer (computer science), serta makin meningkatnya permintaan sarjana muda komputer untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang Strata-1 (S1) didirikan Sekolah Tinggi Pengetahuan Komputer (STPK) Budi Luhur di semester genap tahun akademik 1985-1986.
Dengan makin mantapnya STPK Budi Luhur dan dengan didorong oleh semua pihak, di tahun 1986 Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Elektro Komputer (STEK) Budi Luhur dan Sekolah Tinggi Akuntasi Komputer (STAK) Budi Luhur untuk menyelenggarakan program strata satu (S1) di bidangnya masing-masing.
Di awal tahun 1987, Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur merasa perlu untuk menyederhanakan kelembagaan perguruan tinggi dilingkungannya (STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur) ke dalam suatu wadah. Maka berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud nomor 0720/I/1987, STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur diintegrasikan ke dalam Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Budi Luhur dengan jurusan dan program studi sebagai berikut :
- Jurusan Manajemen Informatika, dengan program studi :
a. Manajemen Informatika (D-III Diakui dan S-1 Terdaftar)
b. Komputerisasi Akuntansi (D-III dan S1 Terdaftar). - Jurusan Teknik Informatika dengan program studi Teknik Informatika (S-1 Terdaftar).
- Jurusan Teknik Komputer, dengan program studi Teknik Komputer (D III dan S-1 Terdaftar).
Dalam upaya diversifikasi usaha, dan sehubungan dengan selesainya pembangunan gedung Unit III dan IV, pada tanggal 1 April 1997 Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Budi Luhur. Dan setahun kemudian setelah selesai membangun gedung Unit V, pada tanggal 1 April 1998 didirikan Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Budi Luhur. Dan kemudian pada tanggal 1 April 1999 Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Budi Luhur didirikan setelah gedung Unit VI selesai dibangun, Dalam rangka efisiensi, empat sekolah tinggi (STMIK, STIE, STISIP, STT) sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional 144/D/0/2002 tanggal 7 Juni 2002 diintegrasikan menjadi Universitas Budi Luhur.
Globalisasi dan krisis yang berkepanjangan memberikan dampak dalam persaingan tenaga kerja profesional yang semakin ketat. Untuk itu kita perlu membekali diri dengan kemampuan akademis maupun praktis agar menjadi tenaga kerja yang tangguh yang terus dapat bertahan dalam persaingan, khususnya dalam meningkatkan karier.
Untuk itu Universitas Budi Luhur membuka kesempatan untuk dapat menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Sosial Politik, Komunikasi dan Teknik yang pada saat ini masih merupakan pilihan teratas dalam peningkatan karier.
Persaingan bebas dan ketat di dunia pendidikan, perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (ICT) dan peningkatan pengetahuan konsumen mendorong kami melakukan peningkatan kualitas dan kepuasan layanan terbukti dengan didapatkannya sertifikasi sistem penjaminan mutu internasional ISO 9001:2000.
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Sumber : http://www.budiluhur.ac.id/tentang-ubl/sejarah/
Senin, 01 Oktober 2012
Tarung Derajat deepen Engineering Degrees
Riau, September 2012 is getting closer to make Pengprov Family Sports Tarung Degrees (nature) Banten finalize preparation of athletes who represent Banten sent. The plan, three athletes will fight directly forged degrees in college degrees fighting center in Bandung, West Java, 15-18 July 2012.Coach Tarung degree Banten Suharyanto said in PON later Banten sent three athletes that Junaedi Hendi dropped in grade 52.1 to 55 kilograms, Lanang Gede Putra grade 64.1 to 67 pounds, and Edi Gunawan grade 67.1 to 70 pounds. "They will train directly with the young teacher and Kang Kang Hurricane Meganegara Rimba Air. All three will matured techniques, tactics, and strategies to face the tough competition in PON later, "said Suhar, KONI office in Jakarta, Friday (13/7).Ahead of the big game such as PON, said Suhar, all Pengprov nature as Indonesia confirmed studied exercise in Bandung. Because, in the City of Flowers that is central birth to fight degrees. "I hope this deepening exercises could be the basis for managing the physical and technical abilities of athletes that have now entered the stage of 90 percent. We did not have to hold trials in other regions like the other sports. But with practice in London for us is enough, "he said.Based on the evaluation as long as the region underwent training camp, his team has been experiencing an increase in both physical and technical. All three are now needed maturation expected to be met during their training together in Bandung. "I do not want to talk to the target on the PON later, but hopefully we can improve on PON medal earlier in East Kalimantan only won one bronze medal," he said.Chairman Pengprov nature Banten, Agus Suryana supports convening joint exercises in Bandung. According to him, the exercise by the direct supervision of the teacher is expected to make an athlete growing passion for achieving the best in the PON later. "The momentum of fighting sports birthday to-40 degrees and the Master to-62 we will continue to improve the quality of athletes fighting degrees, including by sending athletes to London," he said. (Ibm / yes)
Riau, September 2012 is getting closer to make Pengprov Family Sports Tarung Degrees (nature) Banten finalize preparation of athletes who represent Banten sent. The plan, three athletes will fight directly forged degrees in college degrees fighting center in Bandung, West Java, 15-18 July 2012.Coach Tarung degree Banten Suharyanto said in PON later Banten sent three athletes that Junaedi Hendi dropped in grade 52.1 to 55 kilograms, Lanang Gede Putra grade 64.1 to 67 pounds, and Edi Gunawan grade 67.1 to 70 pounds. "They will train directly with the young teacher and Kang Kang Hurricane Meganegara Rimba Air. All three will matured techniques, tactics, and strategies to face the tough competition in PON later, "said Suhar, KONI office in Jakarta, Friday (13/7).Ahead of the big game such as PON, said Suhar, all Pengprov nature as Indonesia confirmed studied exercise in Bandung. Because, in the City of Flowers that is central birth to fight degrees. "I hope this deepening exercises could be the basis for managing the physical and technical abilities of athletes that have now entered the stage of 90 percent. We did not have to hold trials in other regions like the other sports. But with practice in London for us is enough, "he said.Based on the evaluation as long as the region underwent training camp, his team has been experiencing an increase in both physical and technical. All three are now needed maturation expected to be met during their training together in Bandung. "I do not want to talk to the target on the PON later, but hopefully we can improve on PON medal earlier in East Kalimantan only won one bronze medal," he said.Chairman Pengprov nature Banten, Agus Suryana supports convening joint exercises in Bandung. According to him, the exercise by the direct supervision of the teacher is expected to make an athlete growing passion for achieving the best in the PON later. "The momentum of fighting sports birthday to-40 degrees and the Master to-62 we will continue to improve the quality of athletes fighting degrees, including by sending athletes to London," he said. (Ibm / yes)
Tarung derajat competed in the SEA Games
Tarung derajat the scene of fighting in the SEA Games XXVI exhibition in Jakarta and Palembang.
One of the sport native to Indonesia which are being introduced into one of the branches that competed in the event the Games of Southeast Asian countries is a martial arts fighting degrees.
Even in the Sea Games XXVI, the fight degrees is entered into in the event the exhibition followed 48 athletes from eight modern state for fighting six gold medals from four grade son and two daughters class.
"To be able to enter a particular sport must get the support of four countries, including the host," says team member fighting degrees Indonesia, Hermansyah.
"But to fight fast enough degrees of development, there are eight states that support. Degrees so it has been worth fighting competed in Burma Sea Games 2013," added Hermansyah.
In addition, continued Hermansyah, fighting degrees now going international with the formation of the International Federation Tarung Degrees (FITD).
Support for fighting degrees came from team managers fighting degrees Burma, Slan Hlaing.
"Our government can exercise dipertandingan agreed at the Sea Games in our country later," said Hlaing.Original Indonesia
"But to fight fast enough degrees of development, there are eight states that support. Fighting degrees so it deserves Burma competed in the SEA Games 2013."
Tarung degree is a sport native to Indonesia that was created by Haji Ahmad Drajat is now better known as Aa Boxer calls based on life experience.
"I used to live in the harsh environment and constantly bullied. So I made fighting degrees, martial arts are hard but to help people," said Boxer Aa.
AA According to Boxer, it's time to exercise is able to speak in the international arena, and not just be a "champion."
Especially if you look at the age of full body exercise concact has aged 39 years since its establishment last July 18, 1972.
"We focus so that the fight can be a degree of official sport at the SEA Games in Myanmar in 2013. To reach there, as the host of SEA Games this time, we are also a part although it is ekhisibisi," said Boxer Aa, in Jakarta, Friday ( 11/11).
Aa Boxer said the sport has been increasingly accepted by society outside Indonesia. He even claims to fight degrees is semkain demand in neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore."We are also preparing coaches, and most importantly the language in order to prepare the game rules that can be disseminated to the international language," said AA Boxer
One of the sport native to Indonesia which are being introduced into one of the branches that competed in the event the Games of Southeast Asian countries is a martial arts fighting degrees.
Even in the Sea Games XXVI, the fight degrees is entered into in the event the exhibition followed 48 athletes from eight modern state for fighting six gold medals from four grade son and two daughters class.
"To be able to enter a particular sport must get the support of four countries, including the host," says team member fighting degrees Indonesia, Hermansyah.
"But to fight fast enough degrees of development, there are eight states that support. Degrees so it has been worth fighting competed in Burma Sea Games 2013," added Hermansyah.
In addition, continued Hermansyah, fighting degrees now going international with the formation of the International Federation Tarung Degrees (FITD).
Support for fighting degrees came from team managers fighting degrees Burma, Slan Hlaing.
"Our government can exercise dipertandingan agreed at the Sea Games in our country later," said Hlaing.Original Indonesia
"But to fight fast enough degrees of development, there are eight states that support. Fighting degrees so it deserves Burma competed in the SEA Games 2013."
Tarung degree is a sport native to Indonesia that was created by Haji Ahmad Drajat is now better known as Aa Boxer calls based on life experience.
"I used to live in the harsh environment and constantly bullied. So I made fighting degrees, martial arts are hard but to help people," said Boxer Aa.
AA According to Boxer, it's time to exercise is able to speak in the international arena, and not just be a "champion."
Especially if you look at the age of full body exercise concact has aged 39 years since its establishment last July 18, 1972.
"We focus so that the fight can be a degree of official sport at the SEA Games in Myanmar in 2013. To reach there, as the host of SEA Games this time, we are also a part although it is ekhisibisi," said Boxer Aa, in Jakarta, Friday ( 11/11).
Aa Boxer said the sport has been increasingly accepted by society outside Indonesia. He even claims to fight degrees is semkain demand in neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore."We are also preparing coaches, and most importantly the language in order to prepare the game rules that can be disseminated to the international language," said AA Boxer
Sabtu, 29 September 2012
"The Tarung Derajat purely physical process", he said. Admittedly, there is no mystical element that is used to add strength. Physical exercise on a regular basis with a technique that has been mixed and adjusted to his creation of the Master of martial techniques BIG fight DEGREES
, "The Tarung Derajat purely physical process", he said. Admittedly, there is no mystical element that is used to add strength. Physical exercise on a regular basis with a technique that has been mixed and adjusted to his creation of the Master of martial techniques BIG fight DEGREES
G.H.Drs.ACHMAD Dradjat.
, Physical Exercise for practicing martial arts also means breath, and it occurs naturally, there is no special breathing exercises. It is recommended to its members to always make themselves physically and engineering practice every day for 1 to 2 hours. Because according to the physical form into a strong, solid muscle and flesh to require rigorous training, discipline and performed constantly, so hopefully in the not too long, strength and confidence
Can Gold Tarung Degrees, Jabar to the Top Again
Pekanbaru - West Java begin fifth day of National Sports Week (XVII) well. Panning for gold from fighting degrees, they returned the medals while topping the list.
After being captured DKI Jakarta, today, Thursday (13/09/2012), Jabar won additional gold from that self-defense sport.
Athletes fight degrees Heru Mulyana, which fell from 49.1 to 52 kg class, won in the final Kuswadi of Central Java.
The game lasted cried for since the first round. Trading punches do the combatants. In the first round. Heruyang were black corner was depressed by Kuswadi in the red corner. However, the condition is reversed in the second round. Heru often cast a severe blow. One punch right to the jaw memmbuat Kuswadi collapsed and was unable to continue the match.
Final results of the other branches of fighting degrees to 11.00, is Ma'ruf Setyawan (Central Java) won gold in the 52.1 to 55 kg class after defeating Anga Purnadita (South Sulawesi).
In the women's 52 kg class, Nur Fajeriah from East Kalimantan to be the best after a beat Weny Ariwati of Central Java.
List of medals while based on the official site, until at 11:55 pm:
2012 Riau
(Rank - Team - Gold - Silver - Bronze - Total)
WEST JAVA 1 26 21 24 71
JAKARTA 2 21 27 19 67
EAST JAVA 3 18 23 24 65
RIAU 4 15 8 9 32
CENTRAL JAVA 5 13 8 15 36
LAMPUNG 7 5 2 3 10
East Kalimantan 8 4 8 3 15
PAPUA 9 3 3 4 10
NUSA EAST WEST 10 3 3 1 7
NORTH SUMATRA 11 3 2 4 9
BANTEN 12 3 2 3 8
SOUTH SUMATRA 13 2 3 7 12
JAMBI 15 1 2 4 7
16 IN YOGYAKARTA 1 2 2 5
WEST SUMATRA 17 1 2 2 5
WEST PAPUA 21 0 2 1 3
ACEH 23 0 1 0 1
24 MALUKU 0 1 0 1
EAST EAST NUSA 25 0 1 0 1
BALI 26 0 0 7 7
27 BENGKULU 0 0 1 1
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