Body robust, solid, muscular stocky was not only owned by the bodybuilding athlete or body building, it is also seen in almost all martial arts aspirant Tarung Degrees. Forms of martial arts training that has successfully created capable of forming physical prime, stocky and powerful body to become educated human being with a conscience soft martial.
Starting from an unpleasant experience and struggle hard life, AA Boxer close calls from Drs. Achmad Drajat always trying to defend themselves from any kind of fights that are often experienced in youth first. Indeed, according to the 1960's, in the neighborhood, AA Boxer often have pressures that eventually clash physically. Homes are fairly vulnerable at the time, has always been a fight between groups, even himself to be involved, not AA Boxer the start, but arises from the circumstances that forced.
Similarly, when playing ball, round leather kepiawaainnya play on the gridiron often bring kesebelasannya out as champions. Apparently, there are some people who do not like the mastery, so he was often under pressure and rough game from the opponent and finally culminated in a fight. Admittedly a small physical body always gets unfair treatment from his opponent who was great and always ended in defeat.
Life experiences have always been unpleasant imprint on him. "From tired of losing that arise intention to create a self-defense", says the father of two children. Finally he tried to create a self-defense techniques are practical to be able to take back the honor himself not always be the butt of his opponent's big man. Having explored the always turns into a fight happened, he found the 4 elements of movement, namely punching, kicking, parry / dodge and slammed. In his mind arose, "If you want to win in a fight must have a way of hitting, kicking, parry / dodge, and slammed themselves not shared by others." From this process, because basically the hand can be moved naturally according to the functions and needs. The spirit and perseverance have established themselves to be proficient in self-defense. Maturity in martial arts grew when there are people who deliberately want to try and bring a physical clash. Even ventured to protect people who feel oppressed or hurt by people who are not responsible.
His name began to be known as a defender of the weak figure. Since then, some youths came to learn martial arts has. At the time of this call and the nickname AA BOXER start attached to him. Initially, AA Boxer does not want to teach people to self-defense. He created the martial only for himself and has no stance / movement standard, but because some people are still forced to teach self-defense, they began learning martial arts are given the results of his labors. This happened in 1968 that at the time, AA 18-year-old Boxer.
From some people, then spread and grow quite rapidly, like a rolling ball of ice growing bigger and bigger. The thought of forming a container associations with names, it is a scientific martial art born from the name calling everyday, AA BOXER. Precisely in 1972, the creation of self-defense now has a name. Teach and train trips, thriving until the demand arises for teaching in other areas.
Reflections of life experiences suffered and lived with patience and resignation has made himself strong and growing self-confidence and instill confidence growing steadily. Slowly laid out and reviewed the techniques and movements that have been created, so the more days of martial born naturally began to find its form.
The techniques which he believed was a good start standardized. The concept is to create a practical and effective martial arts has been increasingly evident. Everything is inspired from the four elements of movement fights, namely punching, kicking, parry / dodge, and slammed. According to him, it's his natural physical movements exists in every human being that is absolutely not the property of a stream of other martial arts.
Maturity that has been nurtured well join menbentuk him to always think positive, martial arts clubs name AA Boxer impress foreign smell and also as contrary to the ideals of the Indonesian nation. According to him, having been created martial born on Indonesian soil, hence the name association beladirinyapun must come from Indonesian. It is also in line with the intention to register this martial arts become a member KONI. Eventually the name was changed into fight clubs beladirinya degrees. This is taken from the word that means fighting the fight, the struggle for self-defense, while the word is taken from the name Achmad degrees Drajat. Thus, the meaning of fighting degrees is a way to fight to defend themselves ala Achmad Drajat.
Knowledge of physical and mental also fostered impressive dikultus felt like the name. "If we take the name directly, as if we have something cocky or arrogant, so there will be a cult, we do not want to cult members," as he said when told of the change fight to fight DEGREES degrees. That is also turned into Struggling to defend themselves to achieve a degree or honor, because DEGREES itself has meaning or honors level.
Results of operations and the struggle that had not previously been suspected of planning to be like this eventually grow and develop. Especially after admission to the Sports Committee in 1998. Supported by the spirit of his students, Family Sports Tarung Degree or better known as the NATURE has spread in 20 provinces in Indonesia, and also to other countries of Southeast Asia in particular.
Created this martial art is purely physical martial arts training only, no other elements. Movement techniques are practical and effective martial art that was developed was never specifically to self-defense with a gun. Nevertheless also taught how to deal with opponents using weapons. "What can be said martial arts man, if there are people who carry guns are not part of the job?", That's the principle, "for self-defense is a human being who wants to create a tranquil and happy life," he added.
Natural martial
"The degree Tarung purely physical process", he said. Admittedly, there is no mystical element that is used to add strength. Physical exercise on a regular basis with a technique that has been mixed and adjusted to his creation martial techniques, but does not aim to establish such a body bodybuilder. Physical exercise for martial arts training also means breath, and it occurs naturally, there is no special breathing exercises. It is recommended to its members to always make themselves physically and engineering practice every day for 1 to 2 hours. Because according to the physical form into a strong, solid muscle and flesh to require rigorous training, discipline and performed constantly, so hopefully in the not too long, strength and confidence increase.
Genesis in the first fight martial arts technique has spawned naturally occurring. Movement of the hands, feet, and other body movements derived from the ordinary and natural done by everyone, but geared more to the packaging techniques based on experience and knowledge of martial arts ever experienced. Until formed Tarung Degrees martial martial techniques that are practical and effective. "Whose name is practically not adventurous," he said. According to him, there's no exercise to hold your breath, or learn to be strong against water or mercury should also be robust against iron punch, "If others can, we have to admit," as he commented with due respect to the others.
Each member Tarung Degrees familiar hard-educated, with a portion of a hard workout, the target is to reach its members have a gentleness and formed conscience. By becoming a fighter, behavior will be controlled. "It should not be members Tarung excessive degree of action, because it will get severe punishment," he said when ending the conversation. (PS & AIS)
A. Background Tarung Degrees
Sports Tarung degree created by a son of Indonesia, namely the Teacher (Haji Ahmad Dradjat, Drs.), Who is familiarly called by the popular name of "AA-BOXER". This sport was born by as a martial art with science stream and have a separate container without berapliasi with other streams and other martial arts organizations that exist in the Earth Indonesia, as well as not adopting instead a combination of martial arts, such as martial arts, karate, taekwondo, kempo, judo, wrestling and boxing. However, the existence of Tarung degree did not appear by itself, but has a background history of the Master's life and blessed by the glory of God Almighty.
This martial arts, born or comes from life experience ever acted by the Master where around 1968 until the 1970's, young people's time was often involved physical violence, assault, fighting, extortion, and humiliation (AD / ART Nature: 1994). The situation is, of course, he did not start it, but the necessity arises "when there are people who tease me, cook me silent? he said in (Matra, Mai: 1997). Of the various fights with pereman in downtown Bandung, West Java, the Master always win, the thing seen from a weighted posture was not convincing to overcome the opponent. See the greatness of the Master at that time, apparently a lot of gorombolan pereman who do not like him, then the group peremanisme make a strategy to kill the Master. Given the number of thugs enough, he soon gorombolan avoid it. But they already controlled emotion immediately pursue the Master thief shouting. Hearing the cry, the people who were in the market when it's night, come after him until he besieged and busy to beat him until he fell limp and her condition is very pathetic.
Since the incident bitter, the Master began to think for themselves menyisiasati, honing the ability to learn various types of martial arts including martial arts and karate. But he still was not satisfied, the reason it has not been able to repay all hurt. The question always comes up to him "what type of martial arts that can lift my honor not to be insulted and hurt people?" Then it occurred to him to create a self-defense techniques from various martial arts that he had learned that combining the five elements of martial movement functions, such as: hitting, kicking , parry, and dodge slam. Every fifth day he decided to learn this function, diasosiasi and practiced in his life, he was at least four hours a day practicing and discover practical techniques and effective, as well as arranging the acrobatic martial arts moves and beautiful viewed by the public.
After feeling ripe with new science that he boxed (concept) itself and practiced to the people who tried to blackmail or making trouble are always served. The gang is considered the most appropriate teacher to test the technique beladirinya it. When it was "hit by the opponent, really do not feel sick?" He asked himself. "Miracle" was apparently enough to bring benefits. Every time someone abused or harmed by thugs (thugs), then the Master can do anything to uphold the truth. From here his name began to be known as a defender of the people for the physical harm as the AA-BOXER who has extraordinary martial skills, the powerful: strong, fast, accurate, courageous and tenacious, so he often calls pergerakanTarung degree of success as the philosophical basis body movement is determined by five key distinctive capabilities.
Not surprisingly again, the name of the teacher who earned the nickname AA-BOXER increasingly popular and a champion to fight spread everywhere in the country. So many people came asking taught martial arts creations, ranging from young children to the elderly. At that time the Master instead of confusion. "What should I teach it say?". For he himself claimed to have no standard techniques or jutsu (Matra, 1997). Still feeling overwhelmed by the children who learn a lot, even the method applied to the Master told his friends (children studying)-yack attack and let his body beaten, though sometimes respond too. That journey practice how to teach it to others and in addition to applying what developed at that time.
From practical experience teaching martial arts is, the Master receives inputs from friends in order to organize and systematize the moves that have been created that develop naturally in order to find the forms to be used as standard motion martial function dynamic, practical and effective way to teach . Besides, it also synergize the philosophical elements, pedagogical, cultural, health, sports, sosialogis, and applying sport science.
B. Martial Arts Fitness Education Degrees Tarung
Developments after four years later, on July 18, 1972. Society more and more want to learn martial Tarung degree, the time that the Master proclaimed the flow of martial AA-BOXER or "self-defense method Drajat" is now called the University Center KawahTarung Degrees. In the course of this martial art known as the Boxer. At the center of this Tarung college degree is developed, in terms of both science and the scientific as well as in terms of pemasalannya to the community.
From year to year more and more colleges have pupils, but not all of them intend to study intact. In fact there are many people who want to "try and error". The way they pretended to enter into anggoata boxer, just look for the weak intention college course. So quite a lot of joy and sorrow, even five years after college stands (1972 to 1978) many constraints and obstacles faced. One thing that is common in a struggle. Constraints and obstacles come not only from within the university itself, but it also came from outside. Nevertheless, the teacher tried to remain strong and resilient in dealing with any obstacles that come, even the Master made it his potential in order to support more advanced college (BOM Tabloid Edition 27, August 1999). Such situation shows that, martial Tarung no longer his personal degree of the Master, but ownership had been personally involved many people from many participants, ethnicity, religion and culture.
Recognizing such in the period between 1978 and 1983, the Master to conduct research and develop beladirinya, by rearranging the basic techniques of movement and gathering art stance later patented symbol Boxer Boxer (Tarung Degrees) as a result of his creations. At this time, the teacher found a book on the life sciences, the book inspired this martial about the function and anatomy of the human body that shows which parts of which can be boosted to hit and kick and which part the weak side of human ability. From here the teacher can find a technique that optimizes power punches stance, by combining the five main elements of a typical Boxer, namely: strength, speed, precision, courage, and tenacity. All the elements that can serve as a defense and to apply the principle of "attack to win" by applying the philosophy in the formation of self tenacity to practice is "practicing martial arts fighting degrees is to conquer yourself, but not to conquer others" (AD / ART NATURE, 1994).
After structuring techniques boxer made as the ability of muscles (physical), as well as to balance the mind (intellect) and nurati (mental attitude) to discover the identity of the "Warrior Warrior Warrior and Warrior," then the teacher implement a motto is: "I do not mean friendly scared, I bow not mean surrender "The message is always emphasized to students who pursue degrees Tarung formulated on every exercise performed. All abilities (muscle, brain, and conscience) was applied in order training materials that have been ordered by "curriculum" martial formality Tarung Degrees and training materials tailored to the level (Kurata) --- stands strong, brave, and agile)-SK Teacher Degrees Tarung no. 16/KEP GUTAMA/STD/XII/1991. Consists of seven levels Kurata Kurata I s / d Kurata VII. Kurata advanced level is the "SUBSTANCE" marked wear a black belt.
In addition penatan martial arts techniques are studied in particular, then it is also packed with college or diperlombakan fighting techniques that lead to the achievement of sports that use rules and regulations to be followed by semuat athletes / fighters. In this sport is also known series of motion (Ranjer) and practical self-defense. Boxer developments from 1981 s / d 1983 rather mengalmi staknasi, which demand even less, in terms of curriculum and training materials have been adapted to the demands of the level and movement arts have dipermantap not much different from the words in sport karate, silat martial art in numbers. The Master once said, perhaps because this martial sport already branded as hard, so the sports connotation Boxer street fight. The Teacher of the challenge much to learn again, to him as there is no day without learning. Martial Sciences, he made as a comparison of the results of the research-development, then tested, prior to its official stand Tarung sports degree sports achievements made and competed.
C. Toward Degrees Honours Tarung Sports
From the period of five years ie 1984 to 1988, Even though enthusiasts and pencita Boxer at this time has decreased somewhat, but it tadak a hindrance to the Master to further develop beladirinya to all strata of society, including the various military unity. At the time of this reason the Master got a lot of criticism, especially the challenges that arise in the community that "if you want to be a hero, do not Just down the street, try to create a championship / match that could see martial arts skills in an arena Boxer (mat / lath)". Of criticism is the Master tried to organize the organizational structure of the association Unit Exercise (Satlat) in the City of London and the surrounding area. The first determination is how mengujudkan could boxer competed with other branches of martial arts.
Establish sporting achievement as evidenced through the game, there must be rules, rules, and regulations of the standard to be applied in a parameter sports. To meet the demands of the dirancanglah typical techniques for Aa-boxer competed. Designing facilities to match, such as fighting arena, match clothes, and tools used by the executive power. Printing the referees-judges who will carry out the provisions and regulations of the game. Condition how that match was watched by spectators crowded, alluring and interesting.
In 1988, the first Boxer held a championship called the "Non-AA-Tarung BOXER CUP" in the city of Bandung. Since that martial arts is increasingly recognized by the public. In fact, a very emotional time tertarikt is the Regional Military Commander (Commander) III / Siliwangi Major General Arie Sudewo. His closeness with Boxer, until now Mr Arie Sudewo still loyal to President on Board of Trustees (PB) Tarung Degrees. In addition, Bandung Mayor also noted that while Mr. Otje Djundjunan (husband) Mrs. Dra. Ny. Hj Popong R. Otje Djundjunan which until now is still a builder Otje Mrs. PB Tarung Degrees.
The first championship called "Tarung Free" implement several technical factors which developed almiah, namely the principle of "attack to win" as a taboo for the fighter. Grades or points for the winners, wearing straight perkenaan system (full body contact) as the main characteristic Boxer sport. Basic application of the technique to play, apply the five elements of martial arts, namely punching, kicking, parry, and dodge slam. Mental formation steely fighter implement the five key elements of the ability, the power, speed, accuracy, courage, and tenacity (the Master in GO, 1996). Before peterung (athlete) diterjun kearena championship, all equipped with the same quality engineering and have a minimum fighter certification holders Kurata level IV. Then, so the weight difference is not striking loss, weight considerations are a measure of the number or class of games, which is classified ranging from lightweight (49 pounds down) until the free classes (65 kg and over).
On the basis of assessment of the ability of fighter that has the same capabilities as an indication of quality engineering, there is no known term superior fighter. All fighters are considered together, are not questioned his level of Kurata IV (blue belt), Kurata VI (red belt), and the level of substance (black belt).
For this reason, placement is determined by lottery opponent (random), they know the opponent just moments before the match starts. Experience and development progress has been widely demonstrated that the fighter rated Kurata IV or V substance conquering warrior level. For that, depending on the maturity of the fighter keterujian receive materials and training of trainers often experience local championships sparring partner before competing in the championships' AA-BOXER-Free Tarung Cup ".
Successful implementation of the first championship, of course with some remarks Boxer Research Universities, the championship was held in 1991 Tarung Non AA-II BOXER Cup and the 1994 AA championship Tarung free-BOXER Cap III championship Tarung also called Non Bandung Raya Cup. IV National Championship was held in 1995 Tarung Free Boxer. In 1996 AA Cup-BOXER V (kejurnas V). Hope that strategic-AA college to become a member BOXER KONI almost wide open the center with the fulfillment of five (5) rounds of the National Championship that bersekala, the sport Martial Tarung degree qualification will be recognized by the branch KONI Center as the official performance sports competed on National Sports Week (PON). But for official recognition of the need to organize another technical distinctive shapes and implemented anatara Cup championship BOXER I-AA National Championship samapai V is almost the same, the system uses direct perkenaan (full body contact) without protective safety concerns with the fighter, good face, body , groin, teeth, fists and brutal impression of excessive already a record KONI Research Center.
D. Official Degrees Tarung So Koni Member Center
Strong determination to run the organization ranging from the formation of The Leadership Center embodied Tarung Degrees period 1991-1994 under the leadership of Chairman Brigjend. TNI. HMA. Sampoerna. When I first held a national consultation membership area in 1992 reached only 10 areas. Over the time span and the progress achieved by the organization in 1994 Boxer who was popular in the community in 15 provinces in Indonesia. The area in question at the time was: West Java, Jakarta, Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, Bali, NTB, Lampung, South Sumatra, Jambi, Riau, Sumatra, North Sumatra, East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan (data ST, no. Outstanding / PB/VI/1994).
Feasibility organizational development required by KONI Center has met the requirements of only 10 regions and even had melebi target of reaching 15 regions. But in terms of the development and technical research is still much that must be met to become a sports center membership KONI, Indra Jati Sidi time as KONI Research Center says "If a boxer has entered KONI Center and competed in a PON or higher, need consider the use of personal protective equipment (body protector). While over the years, body protector is not in the tradition of Boxer (Tabloit GO, 1996). Then the problem of sports name "Boxer" which sounded a name adopted from branches Boxing / boxing, kick boxing and Thai-American style of Thai Boxing, seems to have perfected.
Responding to such things, then the Master, as the leader of Art University Might AA-Boxer-Boxer, still sticking with tradition and characteristics that exist: fixed Boxer fights contak sports direct (full body contact) without the use of protective equipment. The reason the Master, "If we are using the body's protective gear, boxer will lose his trademark. Throughout the history of the boxer, no fighter with a disability, let alone died fighting to hit and kick. Problem droplets of blood or a broken arm was normal ".
Thus technically still constrained to meet the requirements asked KONI Center. But the Master at that time, still have an alternative, namely: (1) can be maintained version of Boxer, fight freely without distinction of class and no special protective equipment for all kinds of traditional numbers, (2) specifically for consumption or PON KONI later, Boxer wear protective equipment body / face (Ball, August 1996). Regarding the name of the organization is in principle no objection to change, used "Boxer" a family Olaharaga Martial Tarung Degrees abbreviated NATURE.
To pass legal requirements so members KONI Center, the match field and engineering field with the Master PB NATURE Tarung Degrees and members Raparnas August 9, 1996 in order to find the best solution, in order to attain goals that Tarung diakaui degree and is compared to other sports Indonesia and outside the State.
Eventually the teacher decided "succumbing to win" should presumably be applied to consumption and PON Tarung KONI wear protective Degrees (body Protector) using Gamsil for teeth, shells for the groin / pubic, and hand box for the fist. The consequences of the decisions of the Master, is a gift victory wait long enough, but surely, that is precisely on January 6, 1997, KONI decided Reception Center Board of Family Sports Tarung Degrees (PB NATURE) Ordinary members KONI Center, number: 06 / RA/1997.
E. Exhibition of National Sports Week (PON) XV-2000
Once formally accepted Tarung degree KONI Center registered as members of the 53, then the organization and improvement of all areas to be improved. For the consolidation of the first organizations held a National Conference to I keluaraga Olaharaga Tarung Degrees, on 12-13 April 1997. Along with these activities, also conducted a Training of Trainers and referees-yan national jury for equalization technique aims to anticipate shortages increase the number of coaches and referees-judges in regions throughout Indonesia. Of activities munas tersubut, spawned a variety of concepts for fighting development including designing degree pilot program that bentukknya kejurnas I've mendekatik Multi Evan as PON implementation that was able to accommodate and guide KONI Center rekomondasi mainly apply protective equipment section pital for fighter safety by sports health science (sports medicine).
Right on 5-6 July 1998 held a National Championship I Tarung Degrees in Bandung, West Java. There were many changes in the applied technical and non-technical. Technically eg, number / grade seven classes contested, before five classes. Non-technical areas such as every participating beleh only one fighter attend one class match, before either one more area athletes in one class. Thereby automatically pendstribusian athletes each region will be uneven and the opportunity to be the winner will semakain open.
Differences were adequate for the first kejurnas, will reveal the development of sports coaching achievements developed in many areas. Tarung degree before officially a member of the Central KONI, sports coaching accomplishments seen growing only in Bandung, West Java. So applying the distribution, the principle of equal rights, then the kejurnas I achievement Branch Sports Tarung degree is almost evenly in each region. I Kejurnas achievement data shows seven gold medals at stake in West Java won (4 gold, 1 bronze), Sumatra (2 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze), and NTB (1 gold).
Based on the results of the evaluation I National Championship presented by the Chairman of PB NATURE period 1997-2000, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Subrata Serya in (PR, 1998) mentions deliberations national labor and free fighting kejurnas I have produced a variety of tasks that require handlers either in coaching organization and coaching accomplishments. Thus, the fact that KONI Center also decided Tarung be included in the degree of the XV-2000 PON Surabaya in East Java for the first time as an exhibition sport.
Game PON XV-2000 Surabaya, is the accumulation of all the improvements made from all fields that exist in PB NATURE. Number / classes contested on the PON XV 9 classes with medals (9 gold, 9 silver, 18 bronze). Noted as well as its implementation of successful matches and no there was a commotion and chaos. In addition it also impressed Tarung high degree of discipline, as proof, although branches of exhibition time, all activities organized by PB PON XV-2000, from the opening to closing tertip and regularly followed. That's what makes Tarung Degrees to be developed and an example of the people of Indonesia, as well as a record of accreditation for entry into Central KONI sports achievements in "multi event PON XVI-2004".
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