Salam BOX
Senin, 06 Desember 2010
Born AA boxer
Science Arts Combat Sports fight DEGREES persada Indonesia declared earthly beloved hometown, in London July 18, 1972 by a son of the nation, namely peciptanya Guru Haji Ahmad Dradjat have nicknames to call Aa Boxer. Aa nicknames Boxer applied and attached to a Achmad Dradjat, after he was able to successfully use and implement and Arts Self Defense upload their work in various forms of fighting, in which the need and have to fight or fight in order to maintain viability STRIVE, to uphold and defend the honor of humanity in everyday life in harmony with nature hidupnyanya.
So actually being Tarung degree is synonymous with travel and struggle GHAchmad Dradjat also known as Aa Boxer and now the title "THE MASTER DEGREES fight".
Travel & Life Struggle Dradjat Ahmad began his birth on this earth, the Master Degrees Tarung Garut born July 18, 1951 from the couple Mr. and Mrs. Hj.Mintarsih H.Adang Latif and the atmosphere was a battle against the mob of rebels known as the Darul Islam (DI), in the attack of both parents as activists Achmad Dradjat Freedom Fighters of the Republic of Indonesia after post Keemerdekaan a member Special Police, became one of the targets of the operation of the mob attack. Thanks to the greatness and power of Almighty God to be saved from the incident and that's when the Master was born in good health, amidst the pursuit of the rebels. These events have inspired both old oranng the Master gave the name Darajat (Dradjat / DEGREES), which means Blessing is a gift of grace of God Almighty carrying or the good in human life, such as health and safety or the life or well-being as well as the dignity of life and dignity of human life. Accordingly and in line with the values of history and struggle for life journey undertaken Dradjat Ahmad alias Guru Aa Boxer in creating and giving birth in Natural Martial Arts, Self, and Separate and events have always enjoyed going live with the totality of surrender to God the Almighty with realistic actions and rationale, from the struggles of life PRIVATE like that, sticking a name to apply to the Arts Combat Sports Science upload their work, namely: "DEGREES fight." (Tarung, Fight is Struggling and Harkat degree is human dignity)
At the age of five Achmad Dradjat moved to London following the official travel both parents, living on an area Tegallega hard and has a very heteorogin with all the dynamic behavior of their lives. Such circumstances it is supported by the presence of a very broad field that move almost 24 hours, various forms of activities that occur in the field, such as: a variety of sporting events, mass perkealahian among teenage youth group, extortion, robbery gambling, prostitution, etc. that smelled of criminality and immorality as well as in certain times and usually can also be used for other community activities by the entire community, and London in particular when something violent happens, not infrequently the local communities living well behaved often become victims of violence, the incidence violence is no exception often experienced by teenagers figure Achmad Dradjat.
For Achmad Dradjat who since childhood have a smaller body posture compared with other children and is very fond of other violent sports, like football and martial arts, other than that he was a brave and tenacious character, make life and grown up in such a meaningful and challenges of its own.
Armed with Budi Moral character education and teaching Religion applied both parents and embedded and preserved in a rigorous and disciplined since childhood. Aa, so called in the family (Aa is a call in the local language sunda for the eldest son or the elder) began to enter the harsh environment, a variety of ways coming and going perekelahian between groups and individuals, extortion and other forms of violence.
In that environment courageous nature and a desire to help a friend who has, often making Aa experienced numerous acts of violence, perklelahian to fight through even though he had lost more often than winning, with all the tenacity that is based on education outcomes Morals and Religion teachings continue to cling, Meng himself capable of facing and overcoming the obstacles of life step by step exactly, until at the age of 13 years of violence and abuse committed by a group of young teenagers and other people are not immoral and irresponsible nearly claimed his life.
How not, the events they experienced beatings and torture that occurred amid the crowd of people who could only be spectators and some others are just able to be a persecutor, in such circumstances Achmad Dradjat expected to be able to live in solitude, not to forget self defense. Indeed, the fact the event was very disadri just because greatness and power of God the Merciful, the Compassionate, the other fate willed that Aa can be saved from a worse fate.
Experienced a similar incident occurred at Achmad Dradjat formally studied martial arts training as a member of a martial arts association, in the event he is forced to fight to use force in self-defense technique itself against a senior member who was much larger, thus Achmad Dradjat just learning basics of fighting techniques are not able to do much other than defend himself, witnessed by other senior members, coaches and teachers magnitude of the exercise in the living room. Achmad Dradjat with limited technical whole body was full of bruises, however, there is no mind and a sense of the magnitude of the witness, including teachers, to act, to stop and save the fights. In solitude teenage figure Achmad Dradjat back to fight themselves to maintain the safety and health of his life.
From fight to fight that Achmad Dradjat naturally he forged and trained to meet the challenges of the hard life and the rigors of life experienced physical and mental attitude nurtured and used to accept the reality of life in a realistic and rational. Ability was held because basically, every living creature has been given the ability to survive a reflex motion. Thoughts, feeling and beliefs about events that happened in his time and terbayangi all ages, whether it be a disaster event or gift, the experience is basically part of the learning process and training of muscles, 0tak and conscience to determine the direction towards a better life the true life in harmony with nature.
A wide range of events and life experiences that occur within the scope of self-defense derived from the motion and rely on reflexes and instinct, instinct or garizah that continue to occur repeatedly, the honed muscles, brain and conscience to get used to a variety of threats and trained to meet the challenges of life , in the form of maintaining the safety and health of themselves, uphold and maintain the honor and defend humanity.
Along with that is the process of creating motion and established and tested tactics of fights. This process is enhanced through a forging themselves, both physically and mentally by way of a separate and independent. Body movements that later became this moment, entirely based on the motion of a natural reflex.
From the practical forging body movements created very effective widened to a defense. Movement and stance and training method based on natural ability. All this is actually owned all of human nature and can be developed independently, is the background of the birth of a living principle Tarung Degrees "Make Love by Yourself."
Until the age of teenage boys, Achmad Dradjat kemampuaan and have shown excellence in the face of violence and fights. Achmad Dradjat also transmit beladirinya ability to close associates and other people who need it, most of which asked him to be a "teacher." Finally, on 18 July 1972 sworn establishment Tarung College Degrees which marked the official birth of the main Sports Science Arts Self Defense Science Achmad Dradjat copyrighted works.
The title "THE GURU" becomes a call honors and awards as well as Whey own Self from what he advocated in creating a Sports Science Arts Self Defense DEGREES fighting for students and university degree Tarung Center.
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